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Your Complete Roadmap To Start, Build And Scale Your Coaching Or Online Service Business Around Your Life



So you can generate consistent and sustainable income year-round without constantly creating something new or reinventing the wheel to allow you to impact others, while reclaiming your time and energy.


Your Complete Roadmap To Start, Build And Scale Your Coaching Or Online Service Business Around Your Life


So you can generate consistent and sustainable income year-round without constantly creating something new or reinventing the wheel to allow you to impact others, while reclaiming your time and energy.


Tell me if this resonates with you…

You want to grow a company that’s profitable and serves people well, in a way that’s sustainable and fulfilling and aligns with what matters most to you.

Where freedom is the goal and time, autonomy and presence is the metric.

Deep down, you know your coaching or online service business has the power to unlock these desires but right now… 

  • You’re tired: Thinking about what to do next is taking up a ton of mental space and your business isn’t where you want it to be despite how hard you’re working.
  • You’re overwhelmed: You know you have a lot to offer but you’re not sure how to frame or structure things or decide what to focus on to move the needle in a meaningful way.
  • You’re spread thin: Your business requires a lot of your time and energy, and you know that’s not sustainable long-term.

You want to feel excited about the future with clear next steps rather than feeling anxious because the way you’re doing things doesn’t align with the way you want to spend your time or how you desire your days to feel.

If that’s you my friend, you’re in the right place.


It’s time to reimagine what a business on your own terms looks and feels like.

And have a proven system to get you there.

Not knowing what to do and the right levers to pull made my income plateau and kept me overworking for a long time.

Because things had plateaued, I kept exercising the one thing I was well practiced at doing: working harder.

So I tried doing more of what I was already doing.

More selling.

More offers.

More content.

More investing in coaching and programs to help me with those things.

And more team to help me attack that mounting to do list.

So not only was I working more – with very little to show for it because I was working on the wrong things – I was growing my expenses while my revenue stayed the same.

It put me under pressure to make money fast, which robbed me of the space to take a step back and think more thoughtfully about how to grow in the way I deeply wanted to.

I was exhausted. I wanted ease
– but I
felt the opposite.

I made a lot of money when I had energy.

I showed up high-vibe and sparkly in my marketing.

I was selling easily in my DMs and making sales for multiple offers.

But here’s the thing...

That worked until it didn’t.

The moment I didn't have the capacity – or quite frankly, the desire – to show up in that way, sales stalled.

In the moments where my life needed me more, things would stagnate.

I had become the bottleneck in my business’s ability to grow because everything hinged on me being “on” all the time, which was the opposite of the autonomy, space and ease that I wanted.

I felt like I was constantly performing and that every piece – from marketing and sales to client success and delivery – required me.


Getting to that place was a
catalyst for so much for me.

Looking back, I see that I needed to get to a place where things were so uncomfortable and untenable  to push me to take a step back and really look at what needed to change.

The shifts I put in place are what allowed me to formulate what is now my life-first framework, a process that has unlocked so much for hundreds of my students and clients; and go on and scale to 7 figure years while navigating having two kids in two years, all by fully embracing what it means to focus on doing less, but better.

I’ve built in  a way that allows me to say no to anything that doesn’t feel like a hell yes or is out of alignment; and reclaim that energy and time to be hands on and deeply present in my life and with my people.

I’m either doing deep work that I love within my business or I’m firmly in my life.

 Because ultimately what I’m proud of more than the numbers is what my life feels like. 

I’ve manifested everything I wanted, so what really fulfills me is using the tools to support others to do the same.

Step Inside


Everything you need to build, grow and scale your income in harmony with your life, so you can reach more people, do less and live more.

I’m handing over the blueprint of
exactly what to prioritize in each phase of your coaching or online service business – all in just 5 actionable sections that you have lifetime access to!

If you’re just starting, you get to build with this level of intentionality from the start. 

 If you're already up and running but things have plateaued or aren’t feeling aligned with the life you want to cultivate, we’ll help you bridge the gap between where things are right now and where you desire your business to be.


By the end of this program you will have…

“I officially hit my goal to double my Q1 income from last year!”

“I cannot tell you how much  this experience has transformed me personally, has transformed the service I’m able to provide to my clients and the way I connect with my audience.

It has helped create so much more stability.”

Chelsea Connors

Certified Life Coach

“In six months, I generated what I made the entire previous year.”

“The strategies I’ve been able to implement have allowed my business to earn more and continue to generate revenue ongoing.

I’m continuously inspired and stretched beyond my comfort zone – and it’s exactly what I’ve been craving.”

Nicole Cichocki

Consultant, Coach, Hair Stylist and Healer

Above all else…

Life-First Business is going to uncover exactly what you can do to usher in more growth the smart way, to give you more space to breathe and enjoy the life you’re working so hard to create.

Because the solution to a more profitable, fulfilling business and rich, dynamic life isn’t found in trying to get more done or pushing harder.

It’s in embracing a new paradigm that allows you to scale your results by focusing on the right things at the right time, and ignoring the rest.

It requires you to think, act and operate differently.

Understanding what your business needs from you and how to execute on it – away from all the noise and shiny pennies – is an essential skill in creating the kind of freedom-rich life you desire.

I had to figure it out the hard, long (and expensive!) way, which is why I sat down and documented my entire process and everything I’ve learned over the past decade.

The result is a proven but flexible system that shows you how to take back your time as you skyrocket your sales.



The Life First Business Method Framework

It’s easy to sleepwalk into a business that’s not conducive to the life you desire when you don’t start with the end in mind.

Most people take action and build their businesses in a vacuum, only to become unhappy and have to redo everything because things don’t feel sustainable or align with what matters most to them.

That is why we kick off the program with The Life-First Business Method Framework on purpose to help you get clear on what matters most to you so that it can become a filter for every single decision you make from there on out.

  • If you’re just starting, you get to build with this level of intentionality from the start. 
  • If you’re already up and running but things aren’t feeling aligned with the life you want and how you desire to spend your days, we’ll help you bridge the gap between where things are right now and the overarching vision you have.

“Sometimes you just need permission to do what feels good and follow your gut, and Naomi’s course 100% gave me that.

She gave us strategies that didn’t feel like, “Tiffany trying to show up as Naomi in business,” but “Tiffany showing up as Tiffany in business.”
“I launched a new offering a day ago and within 24hrs had someone say “Yes! I’m In”. I signed another person today and have some calls coming up this week.”

- Tiffany Clarke Harrison, Writing Coach & Author



Here is where you will create your core high ticket offer that's going to be your first $100k/year revenue stream.

  • You are going to learn exactly how to formulate and price that offer and then market, position and fill your spots.
  • You will discover how to keep that offer sold out via compelling content and high converting sales conversations so you can say goodbye to the income rollercoaster and the overwhelm that comes from reinventing the wheel or feeling pressure to sell multiple offers in hopes of making *some* money.
  • You’ll also learn clean empowered selling, cash flow management, establishing and upholding boundaries and standards for your containers and who you need to become to run a six figure life-first company.

“Within a space of 12 weeks, I’d launched a coaching offer, signed 7 clients and an $88,000 contract!

I was doing webinars and podcast interviews, and it all felt so easy and natural. Signing those first 7 clients felt like the easiest money I’d ever made in my life… I didn’t know how it would happen, but I trusted.

Naomi walks her talk, so knowing I had hands-on, loving support to guide me through the process of setting up my new coaching service and getting my first clients was a game-changer.

I now have a coaching waitlist and I’m working on longer-term marketing activities and most of all, being present and grateful for the opportunities I’m currently enjoying. I am so hard-wired to constantly race on to the next thing, that I don’t give myself the chance to just enjoy what I’ve built so far, so I’m digging deep into what’s working now.”

- Imogen Roy, Consultant and Coach



This is where you build on the solid foundation you’ve already established in foundations and prime your business for growth.

It’s where you build out your scalable on-to-many offer that’s going to allow you to leverage the methodology you have used to get people results in your high ticket offer and package it in a way that allows you to serve more people.

You’re not a robot. Your energy ebbs and flows. You don’t want to have to be on all the time and that’s why you will learn how to sell your one-to-many offer on autopilot.

This is where you learn exactly what to prioritize to drive your revenue (and add another six figures revenue stream to your business) by doing the same amount of work or less by leveraging systems and operations rather than your time.

“I created the business I desired for years.”

“If I had stayed in overdrive and on the verge of burnout doing exclusively 1:1 work, I have no doubt that I would have closed up shop.

I also had my most profitable year in business.”

Simi Botic

Intuitive Eating Counselor + Coach & Author



Every section inside the program covers strategy alongside the mindset and energetics required to make the strategies work but Align is where we really deep dive into the identity and belief shifts that are necessary as you grow.

In the same way we can have business clutter and offer bloat, we can also have clutter in terms of outdated beliefs, dynamics and patterns that are holding us back from stepping into our true potential and authenticity. 

In Align, we undo, catch, name and shift less than helpful patterns and work through any kinks, shadows or self-sabotage that may be coming up that you’re not even aware of to expand your nervous system to hold the next level of business you’re desiring to cultivate.

“Every aspect of my life and my business has been changed for the better because of this experience.

I refined our business operations big time! I really spent time thinking about all the things I do for the business and what could be removed, delegated or refined. I also clarified my offers even further and most importantly, became even more confident in my pricing and mitigating scope creep from clients.

My capacity to lead my partner and clients as a 2-person team scaling to 7-figures has grown tremendously. I enjoy the work more than I ever have before because I’ve adopted a “less but better mindset” and truly focus on doing things that move the business forward.

My relationship with my husband (who is also my business partner) is better than it has been in many months and I’m confident that’s because I’m a better CEO and partner after this experience. I know what’s important and what aligns with my goals and I don’t waste my time on things that don’t check either of those boxes!

When I get stuck in a rut and start to hyper-focus on small things that have historically delayed my decision making or caused me to enter a mental spiral, I now know that I have the ability to coach myself through those moments more quickly and efficiently so they don’t derail business growth. I can now trust that I can lead myself through whatever happens in my business and come out the other side more mentally, emotionally, and financially stronger.”

- Aya Farhat, Digital Agency Founder 



Here is where we take what you’ve created to the next level.

You’ve grown your profits, so now is the time to explore how to take the surplus cash flow and use it to build your net worth and create real wealth.

It’s also where you shift from client delivery and manager of the systems to spending a lot more time in the CEO role so we support you in this section with things like data-driven decision making, leading a team to help you execute on your vision alongside things like  a more scalable approach to content creation and marketing, SOPs, customer experience, retention and the more back-end side of things.

It’s also where we’ll unpack things like building an identity outside of your business and getting comfortable with the reality that it can now operate without you.

“I was able to take maternity leave for the first time – something I will forever cherish. And I successfully made the transition from freelance to founder, or from a solo practitioner/consultant to CEO.

Before I joined, the majority of my time was spent working “in” the business. Now, my days are spent at the CEO level providing high-level strategic guidance on client delivery and strategizing on ways to improve the business, which has been hugely transformative. 

Everything in the business is now fully automated and I also made my first hires. All of this ultimately enabled me to delegate client execution work and now be in a position to focus on scaling when I return to work.

As I take maternity leave, my business continues to thrive and deliver exceptional results to our clients.

Something I’ve been striving to do for years was achieved in months with Naomi’s support. I still look back and am amazed at how my business has transformed.”

- Lindsey McConaghy, PR Founder 

“I’m working around 10 to 12 hours less each week than I was before I joined and have gone from needing 40 hrs/week of team support to half of that – but my revenue is growing..

I’ve learned how to streamline and optimize.

I’m doing less and making more because I’m focusing more on quality than quantity now. 

Even though I’ve pulled back on what people get with our offers, it doesn’t feel like I’m giving people less value, it’s just more potent and I feel like I really understand now what it means to remove all the excess stuff in a way that actually gets your clients better results. 

It was more about me understanding how to show them the value of what was already there rather than adding all of these add-ons to try and “overdeliver”.”

- Magdalena Muttenthaler, Coach and Online Business Owner

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of over $7k








Let’s Sum It Up –


  • The Entire Life-First Business 5-Phase Framework
    There will never be a time where you don’t know what to focus on to sustainably grow your business.

    The LFB success pathway takes away the guesswork by breaking down exactly what you need to know to start, build and scale your business in harmony with the lifestyle you desire to cultivate. 

  • Access To Training Videos And Accompanying Worksheets
    Every lesson walks you through the “what” and “why” behind the strategy, and guides you through how to make the right decision for YOU, based on your strengths, desire and capacity.

    And they come with resources and accompanying workbooks with prompts and action items to help you integrate on what you’re learning and have clarity on your next steps.

  • A Private Student-Only Podcast And Full Lesson Transcripts
    Consume the lessons around your life by putting me in your earbuds when you don’t have time to watch the videos or by easily downloading the transcripts.

    Most of the lessons are 15 mins or under so they’re easy for you to digest and start taking action on.

 $3,997 VALUE 

Total Life-First Business Investment Only $2,222

Let’s Sum It Up –


  • The Entire Life-First Business 5-Phase Framework
    There will never be a time where you don’t know what to focus on to sustainably grow your business.

    The LFB success pathway takes away the guesswork by breaking down exactly what you need to know to start, build and scale your business in harmony with the lifestyle you desire to cultivate.

  • Access To Training Videos And Accompanying Worksheets
    Every lesson walks you through the “what” and “why” behind the strategy, and guides you through how to make the right decision for YOU, based on your strengths, desire and capacity.

    And they come with resources and accompanying workbooks with prompts and action items to help you integrate on what you’re learning and have clarity on your next steps.

  • A Private Student-Only Podcast And Full Lesson Transcripts
    Consume the lessons around your life by putting me in your earbuds when you don’t have time to watch the videos or by easily downloading the transcripts.

    Most of the lessons are 15 mins or under so they’re easy for you to digest and start taking action on.

 $3,997 VALUE 

Total Life-First Business Investment Only $1,997

The lifestyle you desire to create and the things that matter most are far too important to waste time being overwhelmed and overworked in your business.











“Before I met Naomi, I was truly all over the place and had no idea how to structure my offers or my launches in a way that was supportive to me and my business.

Working with her helped me understand what I need to to do to achieve that.”

- Pamela Barba, Coach

What is that VISION for your life and business worth to you?

Are you willing to commit to creating a solid foundation, building on it and refining and optimizing what you’re doing in order to give yourself more space to breathe and enjoy the life you’re working so hard to create?

Imagine where your business could be if you took that leap and got to work inside Life-First Business.

Think about what you could build, not only by having the pathway laid out for you, but the guidance and support at your fingertips to help integrate in a holistic way.

Time is the one true commodity and you’re losing it when you’re unclear.

Life-First Business will show you to invest this powerful asset to experience more impact, more fulfillment and more freedom that you can imagine. 

“I was able to finally create a business that felt good, that supported the lifestyle that I wanted and was designed so that I always had clients enrolling and money was always coming in.”


Hi, I’m Naomi Powell

I was born and raised in London but now live in Brooklyn with my New York-native hubby Michael and our two kiddos.

Mike and I met almost a decade ago, when I was in New York for the first leg of fashion month. I flew back a few weeks later and the rest, as they say, is history. I’ve now built a life and business and am raising my babies here.

Before venturing out on my own, I was a fashion editor in London for many years and interviewed and styled many incredible people that I’m sure you all know and love.

I then started a done-for-you marketing agency, working with both multinational and startup fashion and lifestyle brands, where I leveraged all of my experience from working in newspapers and magazines to help my clients create 360 marketing campaigns.

I have been helping people start, build and scale life-first businesses for the past decade.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients intimately in a 1:1 and group capacity and have served 1k+ students.

I’ve run and scaled a traditional agency business model to multiple six figures with a full roster of clients.

And have scaled my coaching business to multiple 7 figures of total revenue selling and delivering every kind of offer you can imagine from $55 workshops to $120k+ packages.

Nothing I teach is theory from a textbook, podcast or regurgitation from a course or coach. 

It’s all been amassed by doing it – and from a combination of my lived experience but also through supporting businesses of all shapes and sizes to grow and scale.


“I felt inspired to finally show up and do all the things I was running away from — and my business bloomed!”

- Buga Marija, Theatre director

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve Got Options











It’s so easy to sleepwalk into a business that you don’t like.

Even the most capable entrepreneurs get stuck because they’re overwhelmed by all the things they could or should do, in a way that makes them fall asleep to what they ultimately want in order to get there.

This is what happens when you don’t start with what matters first and intentionally build a business model around it.

It’s the difference between waking up one day and realizing, “I don’t want to do this anymore, nor am I where I want to be, and I can’t get the time back”, versus building something thoughtfully that feels and operates in a way that deeply nourishes and provides for you.

I know this because I had that rude awakening; and it’s what budged me to change course and become a conduit for this work.

Learning how to build a business that actually supports the vision I have for my life is what’s allowed me to feel excited and passionate about my work, almost 10 years in.

It’s allowed me to generate millions of dollars and create generational wealth for my family.

It unlocked the capacity to be present with kids, invest in my relationships and cultivate a loving relationship with my husband for the last 9 years and counting.

It’s what’s made it possible to prioritize my health and wellbeing and spend my days however I feel called to.

But let me be clear, I’m not superwoman, nor is everything perfect. 

I have limitations on my time, my life is full, things happen and I battle so many of the challenges that you do.

All I’ve done is build my business in a way that allows it to thrive amidst it all. 

When you look back on it all, what do you want to remember? Being glued to your phone and permanently in a state of doing, pushing and striving or time spent in full alignment with your values professionally and personally…

 The time is going to pass anyway. You get to choose how you use it.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“This is a long-term investment in you that lets you up-level much more rapidly than if you tried to do so on your own.”

“This program was a significant investment for me, even more so when COVID-19 brought my business to its knees in the middle of the program. But the program offered me the critical support that I needed to navigate those challenges.”

Heena Patel

Coach and Arts Director

Everything you need is waiting for you inside Life-First Business








