Three things stopping coaches from achieving this - and a step-by-step guide to what you need to do instead to focus on what truly matters. 

Learn how to create offers that feel easeful to deliver and easy to sell, and scale your business by doing less while achieving more. 


3 Things Stopping Coaches & Online Service Providers From Creating Sustainable High Cash Months – And What To Do Instead


How to create sustainable high cash months that put your lifestyle and life first in your coaching or online business

Three things stopping coaches from achieving this - and a step-by-step guide to what you need to do instead to focus on what truly matters.

Learn how to create offers that feel easeful to deliver and easy to sell, and scale your business by doing less while achieving more.



What would it feel like to know exactly what to focus on at each stage of your journey to grow your coaching or online service-based business financially… but also in a way that puts your life first?

In this masterclass, I will clear the path for you so you walk away with this clarity and confidence. 

In just one hour of your day, I can show you how to:

  • Wake up every morning energized and excited because you know what to focus on in your business (and what to avoid) to build in a way that’s sustainable for you — which is what you will discover first off in this session


  • Have offers that feel joyful and easeful to deliver and sell — which is why next up we will work on your offers so you can remove the biggest mistake that has people drained and overworking 


  • Build systems you can follow for *any* offer to unlock more cash flow without pushing, forcing or falling asleep to your needs. The exact system I have used to scale to a 7 figure business with 2 young children while putting my lifestyle and family front and centre — and now I am giving this to you. 

You don’t have to choose between a thriving business and a fulfilling life.

You can have both, but the reason most people DON’T is because they are making some critical mistakes… 

And I’m here to show you how to reverse those and the steps to take to ALIGN, REFINE and SCALE your business in harmony with your financial goals and life.

PLUS! When you show up live, you’ll also get:

My Step-by-Step Business Audit Toolkit absolutely free.

We’ll share the link with with you live in the training!



PLUS! When you show up live, you’ll also get:

My Step-by-Step Business Audit Toolkit absolutely free.

We’ll share the link with with you live in the training!

Here’s what people have to say about my other – paid — masterclasses and workshops (and you’re getting this one for free!)

Here’s what people have to say about my other – paid — masterclasses and workshops (and you’re getting this one for free!)


I’m Naomi Powell

I’m an energetic business coach to online service business owners.

I’ve walked hundreds of women through the process you’ll learn in this training, helping them attract a steady and consistent stream of dream clients while curating a business model that supports their lifestyle.

It’s the same process I used to generate more income while reclaiming my time – so I didn’t have to sacrifice being present with my husband and our two toddlers.

I’m also a massive Beyonce lover and could literally use her as an example to illustrate any business principle. When you jump into this training, you just might catch a reference or two!


You’ve been to “masterclasses” before…

But this masterclass?

Different from the start!



✔ Feel deeply financially supported and fulfilled by your work and clear on exactly what to do to usher in more growth in harmony with the kind of lifestyle you want to live


✔ Serve more clients and do meaningful work, while reclaiming more time, energy and space to focus on what matters outside of your business


✔ Master the strategic foundations of your business to reshape your idea of how business “should” look and instead make it better than anything you could have imagined.



What would it feel like if your business gave you actual freedom? 

Where you no longer feel worn out and tired because the business is taking too much of you. Instead, you have certainty, sustainability and no longer spend energy ‘worrying’ about your business.

You have taken back your head and heart for your life. And this comes with clarity and building strategies that are effective but EASEFUL.

You’re no longer spending all of your time questioning what to do to actually move things forward in a meaningful way, nor are you questioning where your next sales are coming from.

You have a solid infrastructure that brings in consistent and reliable sales without you constantly needing to be “on” because you built it that way.

You’re no longer confused about how to grow your business, how to frame or structure things or what to focus on.

Instead you have complete clarity on where to apply your energy so you can get a massive return on the times you are working. 

In this FREE strategy session, I’ll spell out exactly what it takes to build a business like this.

And I’ll give it to you in 3 potent steps.


This training is for coaches or online services providers ready to…

✔ Feel deeply financially supported and fulfilled by your work and clear on exactly what to do to usher in more growth in harmony with the kind of lifestyle you want to live

✔ Serve more clients and do the meaningful work they’re here to do, while reclaiming their time, energy and space to focus on what matters outside of their business.

✔ Master the strategic foundations of their business to  reshape your idea of how business “should” look and instead make it better than anything you could have imagined.

Sound like you? Click the button below to sign up.