Want your content to consistently attract soulmate clients who are excited to invest in what you offer?

Content That Converts is your 12 week digital journey to do so.

As a coach or service provider, you’re great at what you do. You know that your content is the key to a thriving business, but...


āž” You have no idea how to get people to engage past the “You’re so inspiring” comments, much less DM for the link to buy. 

āž” You’ve tried following someone else’s step-by-step process, but instead of making things easier, you lost your voice by doing so. As a result, you second guess everything you share by rerecording and overediting, or worse, you immediately delete a post twenty seconds after you’ve shared it. 

āž” Maybe you’ll have a great month every now and then, but that’s only after doing all the things (posting to all the Facebook groups, constantly engaging, and showing up on all the platforms)


You can’t imagine having to do that consistently. 


But you know that continuing to post and hope someone buys isn’t sustainable. 

You’re ready to create intentional content that captivates your audience, and speaks to the people who need your offers the most.

What would it feel like to...

Release a piece of content, knowing that what you’re saying is going to resonate with someone so much they spend the rest of the day thinking about your words?

Openly share what you know to be true about doing business and life, and why it lights you up when you get to work with clients this way?

Know that because you have the skills to market and sell any offer, you’re no longer fighting for financial security, but playing to win: you’re playing in the possibility and stepping into your full potential?

When we intentionally create content in a way that feels aligned, that draws on our strengths and boldly communicates who we are, it has a ricochet effect that lasts long after we first post.

This kind of content activates your soulmate clients to...

āœ” Soak up every single email, podcast episode, and social media post you’ve ever posted because they feel like you’re speaking to them.

āœ” Constantly check-in to see what offer you have next that they can jump into.

āœ” Invest in offer after offer, because they desire to stay in your energy.

āœ” Share your content with their friends, who quickly move from discovering you to joining one of your offers, without the need for sales calls or overcoming objections.


There’s a difference between posting content just because you “should,” and content that activates your audience to take action.

Your job is to activate yourself first.

When I understood how to magnetise my audience through my content, everything changed in my business. 


I used to think that I had to follow someone else’s blueprints or aggressive marketing formulas in order to hit my goals. My income grew by doing so, but I felt disconnected from the business I’d previously loved. 

By getting clear on which strategies actually feel aligned, dialing in my messaging, and powerfully  infusing my content with intention and potency, my content now works for my business years after it’s created. 

This is what helped me go from five-figure launches to six-figure launches without posting every day, or feeling like I had to “perform” online to call in more people to my offers.

It’s what allowed people to go from discovering me to joining my high-level five figure coaching programs days later… without sales calls.

To go from a trickle of sales to new sales every week, which allows me to stack my payments and build on my baseline monthly recurring revenue, all from organic marketing. 

 In 2020, I posted less than 10 times to my Instagram feed.

I still had a $100K launch that year.

It wasn’t that I stopped creating content. I just poured my energy into the areas of my content where creating felt good.

I showed up on Stories because I love showing up on Stories. I recorded podcast episodes because I love recording podcast episodes.

Those same podcast episodes are what moved new private clients (a $30K investment) to sign with me when I went on maternity leave the following year.

Nobody knows how good your offer is until they’ve bought it. The person who can most powerfully communicate that will never struggle with sales. That’s not something that magically happens. That’s a skill you can learn.


What you don’t need:
A perfect feed, 10K+ followers, professional photoshoots, branding, or to post ALL THE TIME. Doing all the things is out too – no more frantically planning a content calendar, cold DMs, endless engaging, hashtag research and posting your content to 12 Facebook Groups.

What you need:
The content foundations to consistently magnetise your soulmate clients in a way that leverages YOU, your secret sauce, and what comes naturally to you.

While other courses teach the latest tactics or strategies, Content That Converts isn’t a program that’s going to teach you how to “hack the algorithm.”

Nor is it going to prescribe a blueprint for you to follow.

You’re here because you’re looking for something else.

Something that isn’t about passing trends and tactics, but speaks more to the power of bringing YOU to the forefront, showing up unapologetically and truly connecting with the people you’re here to serve.

An approach that gives you permission to harness your strengths and approach marketing in a way that gets you inspired to show up, rather than leaving you feeling depleted, overwhelmed and disconnected to the business you created.

Modules helping you amplify your voice, get clear on your point of difference, ditch the mindset drama, and learn to create compelling content, even with the fear of disappointment present.

These modules are less about teaching you what to say and more about supporting you in bringing more YOU to your content in a way that magnetises the people who will be most served in your offers.

Please note: you only have access for 6 months. This is to ensure you actually implement what you’re learning.

Tools and exercises designed to support you at every level of your journey – whether you’re just starting out or already have an established business, you’ll be able to use them time and time again to create content that speaks directly to what your audience needs to hear.


“One of my biggest takeaways was that marketing and signing clients could feel easy and fun. Marketing yourself as a coach is so much about role-modelling and sharing one's personal story in order to embody the transformation they want for themselves. And by marketing myself that way, I would be guaranteed to attract my soul client.”

-Imogen Roy, Business Coach

In Content That Converts, we’ll focus on:

So much of what we achieve in business depends on what we believe is available to us. 

Your future clients need to trust you’re someone who will make them raise their standards – which you can showcase through your content. 

But you have to believe that you are someone who can help your future clients uplevel, and that it’s possible for your content to truly communicate that.

That’s why a large part of the Energetics of Content That Converts covers upleveling our mindset. 

For example, if you knew there was a customer available to you at every price point (including at the rates you still haven’t raised), would you feel afraid of talking about your offers? Or would you share freely and often, knowing the members of your audience who are ready to invest will do? 

If you knew that just sharing your life actually meant you were demonstrating how it looks on the other side of working with you, would you consistently show up and own that?

The potency of your content doesn’t come from creating because you feel you “have” to. It’s about being intentional about who you are “being” when you create. Your energetic input determines the energetic output. 


It’s less about posting every day and more about creating intentionally from a place of service. That’s when you create a body of content that works hard for you for years to come.


We’re all talking about the same things online. What differentiates us is our experiences. By getting clear about how you stand out and leaning into it, you’ll give your audience something to calibrate to, regardless of how often or little you post. 

All of the strategies work. The important thing is to find the one that works best for you. I’ll walk you through lots of different options, but you get to make the final decision.


Whether you want to post every day, or just show up on Stories once a week, you’ll create a marketing plan based on which strategies feel most aligned. 




I’m an intuitive business coach focusing on aligned strategy and energetics for soul-led coaches and experts. I’m also a wife, a mother, and RHOBH fan. 

None of those titles are separate from each other. 

I believe that when we bring our full self to the forefront of our business and lean into strategies that feel in alignment with what we desire, we experience overflow in purpose, impact, money and time. 

I initially started The Lifestyle Edit as a consulting company and content platform. Today, we’ve helped hundreds of women-led businesses expand their reach, scale their income, and create systems that do the hard work for them.

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$1,888 or 3 payments of $692

Save $888 and bundle your purchase of Content That Converts with Aligned Sales, our digital program that shows you what your life and business would look like if you truly loved selling; if you approached sales in a way where everyone wins and you became an energetic match for earning more. Simply choose the "Content That Converts and Aligned Sales Bundle" at checkout.


Here’s what past students have to say...


“My social posts are now better planned and strategic. I’m able to easily write thoughtful posts that ask my clients to engage and respond. It’s working! Probably the biggest win for me was the breakdown of the different types of content channels. I can see that my content is not only increasing engagement but I’m comfortable now asking for the action of using my product. One of the biggest ‘aha’ moments was Naomi’s practice of using dms and in particular using voice messages. It’s such a personal touch.” - Victoria


“With hindsight, I can see that I really didn’t know enough about all the elements of a content strategy (eg, welcome sequences, freebies, sales process, etc.) From the course, I now have a focus for my content marketing for the next month or so.” - Suzanne


“It gave me a framework, and it was helpful to pick apart my own posts, so I could see the lessons in action.” - Desi


"This really took the pressure of trying to do everything in one post or blindly following what other creators are doing without being sure that it even aligned to my business aims.” - Mayfair